Chiropractic and pregnancy

Pregnant women often see a chiropractor for aches and pains caused by their changing bodies, such as back pain, sciatica and pelvic pain. The changes in a woman’s body throughout gestation put added stress to the sacroiliac joints, sacrum, lumbar spine and nerves. Structural adaptation in the gravid patient is a contributory source of low back pain throughout pregnancy. Changing load distributions within the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints are also a factor in back pain.  Although the female sacrum has enough depth to enable foetal carriage, the displaced weight gain of 10-15 kg increases the stress to the sacroiliac joints. This results in an increase in the woman’s lumbar lordosis. As the fetus develops during the pregnancy, this weight is projected forward. Therefore, the lumbar lordosis is increased, placing extra stress on the intervertebral disks and facet joints.

One of the most important times for women to see a chiropractor is during pregnancy. In fact, maintaining chiropractic care during pregnancy can help the body adapt to its temporarily altered state. The results and benefits can be:

-          A more comfortable pregnancy and postpartum healing.

-          Shorter labour times.

-          An improved immune system during pregnancy.

-          Reduced severity and duration of morning sickness and nausea.

-          Reduced risk of C section and needing forceps during labour.


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